by ddorband | Sep 26, 2012 | Food, Livestock, Multimedia, Video
America Revealed is a program on PBS that seeks to take a look at what makes up the America we know. The program focuses on giving its viewers “a fascinating new perspective on the hidden patterns and rhythms of American life, by looking through the eyes of...
by NTP Staff | Aug 15, 2012 | Business, Ecology, Education, Livestock, Sustainability
Here are the headlines for this week! This drought continues to be big news, as does the impact of warmer temps across the globe. Send us news you’re spotting and, as always, feel free to comment. Hundred-Year Forecast: Drought – “Until recently,...
by NTP Staff | Jul 18, 2012 | Ecology, Food, Livestock, Sustainability
It’s hot. And dry. Here in Northern Colorado, we can’t escape the reality of this drought that’s touching more and more of the US. Many of this week’s headlines are about the impacts of this drought, and I’ll continue to follow this...
by ddorband | Jul 6, 2012 | Livestock, People Profiles, Publication
Cheap Meat: An Accident Waiting to Happen By Jo Robinson The latest fiasco in the U.S. livestock industry is that thousands of hogs and chickens have been raised on feed contaminated with melamine, the same chemical that has...
by ddorband | Jun 29, 2012 | Livestock, People Profiles, Publication
Confused About Fat? Choose Grassfed! by Jo Robinson In my Grandma’s day, there was no such thing as a bad fat. All fat was “good” simply because it tasted good. My Grandma fried her eggs in bacon grease, added bacon...
by ddorband | Jun 22, 2012 | Livestock, People Profiles, Publication
Super Natural Milk By Jo Robinson Most cartons of milk in the supermarket show a picture of cows contentedly grazing on grass. In reality, 85 to 95 percent of the cows in the United States are now being raised in confinement, not on pasture. The grass they eat comes...
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