Headlines 9/5/12

Here are this week’s headlines!  We have edible landscapes, pet bees, Canada’s strategic maple syrup reserve, parasites, escalating food price, and more… TED Talk:  How Can We Eat Our Landscapes?  “What should a community do with its unused...

America Revealed: Cow Power

America Revealed is a program on PBS that seeks to take a look at what makes up the America we know. The program focuses on giving its viewers “a fascinating new perspective on the hidden patterns and rhythms of American life, by looking through the eyes of...

America Revealed: Factory Farming

America Revealed is a program on PBS that seeks to take a look at what makes up the America we know. The program focuses on giving its viewers “a fascinating new perspective on the hidden patterns and rhythms of American life, by looking through the eyes of...

Headlines 8/22/12

Here are the headlines for this week!  You’ll see articles about global food shortages, rising commodity prices, the shrinking arctic ice cap, the health of our oceans, a farm labor shortage, and a 300 mile-long water pipeline to Las Vegas.  Enjoy! Arctic Ice to...

Tomato Plant Types

I have really been enjoying my time interning at Nourish the Planet. After starting a few weeks ago, I’ve learned so much and have had so many ideas pop up in my head I thought it would be a good idea to start putting some of them down and keep a record of my learning...