Aquaponics TedXTalk

Check out this TedXTalk about Aquaponics by Charlie Price from Aquaponics UK. They also talk about the benefits of using Black Soldier Flies for composting too! Also, check out Nourish the Planet’s partner The Center for Sustainable Aquaponics. You can like the...

Organic Aquaculture

It’s no secret that consumers are becoming interested in organic foods.  Concerns over disease, GMOs, pollution and contaminants are causing a bigger demand for sustainable, organic, nature friendly alternatives.  However, it may be surprising to know that in...

Aquaponics Overview

A new dawn is upon us.  The future is here.  What is it you say?  Well it’s aquaponics of course.   Aquaponics……?  You feed the fish, the fish feed the plant, and the plants clean the water for the fish.  There you go, aquaponics in a nutshell.  While it is not quite...