Tiny Houses

I just came across this link of a slideshow of Tumbleweed Houses. For those of you that don’t know about Tumbleweed Houses, they are basically tiny houses that are designed to be very space efficient. Some of them can even be built on a flatbed trailer that can be...

Backyard Gardens

One of our volunteers, Dawn O’Brien, sent this video to me, which really sums up how we should all look at food not as something that comes to you prepared and packaged, but as a raw product that strengthens us and nourishes us at a very basic level. Yum!...

Our New TV Stars

The 106th year of the National Western Stockshow is happening right now in Denver. This yearly event is one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) livestock shows in the country. Everything type of livestock imaginable is on display, and over 600,000 people attend the...

The Basics of Aquaponics

I provide many tours of our greenhouse campus explaining the science behind aquaponics, which is a difficult concept to comprehend at times. I’ve realized that most people haven’t heard of aquaponics and don’t understand the details associated with this system...

Why Aquaponics Will Change My Life

As a child I grew up in a small town serenely located at the foot of the Rockies in Colorado, known as Loveland. Here, I learned what farming was as much of my surrounding community consisted of farmland. I recall driving by vast fields of soil, filled with row after...

Motivation and Action

I have been thinking a lot recently about how to motivate people. From family and friends to employees to strangers — it’s really quite difficult to motivate people to take action. It is so easy discuss what is wrong with the world or ourselves, but it is much...