Fish is a great source of protein for us, especially the rich omega 3, a fatty acid that has been linked to weight loss solutions, cholesterol control and reducing the risks of heart diseases. The recent population growth and decrease in the wild fish population has caused a shortage of fish supply in the market, and therefore, growing your own fish at home could benefit you. Through aquaculture, you can grow not only fish but also many kind of aquatic organisms, that  can be grown and raised at home using fish tanks or aquariums for a fresh supply of protein rich food. We have already discussed how you can grow plants or aquatic plants at home from your home garden or pots that can supply you organic food and fresh vegetables and fruits. Now, along with herbs, you can grow your own fish at home and prepare a complete home grown meal right from your home based farm.

The concept of aquafarming is not new. People all around world have used this technique for many years and have grown food right at home. Through careful and controlled farming, there is possibility of growing a good supply of food at home, enough to feed a family of four for months. The types of fish and other organism that you can grow will depend on your eating habits.

Fish farm and vegetable garden

Salad and fish go together very well. You can also grow them together. A better technique for growing both fish and vegetables from your home based fish tank can include a circulating water system, a system commonly known as vertical farming system. It would contain your fish tank at the bottom and a tray containing vegetable set at the top. The fish tank is full of nutrients that can benefit both your fish tank and vegetables when water is pumped and dripped into your garden, and instead of draining your garden, the water would roll back into your fish tank. Thus it would recycle the water of the fish tank and provide nutrients for both. So the waste form one species can become food for the other species.

How to start an Aquacultured Fish Farm?

To start your own aquacultured fish farm, you will need a good sized fish tank that can contain a good number of fish and all the necessary nutrients in it. You will also need to create a natural environment and replicate the natural habitat of the fish in the tank by adding gravels, soil and plants in it to create a food chain similar to the natural habitat of the fish that you wish to grow.

What can you grow in your Aquacultured Fish Farm?

You do have a wide selection of edible fish of your choices which you can grow and harvest in your own aquacultured fish farm, such as silver perch, arctic char, tilapia, trout, carp, barramundi and catfish and also crustaceans, large prawns and mollusks.

Feeding the fish

Many of the fish, such as carp, tilapia and catfish will eat vegetables, and some other species of fish such as tuna, salmon, cod will eat protein based fish feed products. For increasing efficiency of your fish production, select the species of fish you wish to grow. If necessary, keep the high protein diet fish separated from the vegetarian fish feed them separately. Improving your feeding techniques will reduce food waste and increase food to fish production ration.

Welfare of fish

Efficient food and air: To maintain an even flow of fresh water, oxygen and food, it is very important that you circulate the water. A steady supply of diet is required for healthy growth of the fish. Also attention should be paid for special diet requirements for specific fish species.

Freedom: the fish should have appropriate environment for natural growth, enough room to swim around and therefore it is necessary to have a container large enough for them to grow. It should also include proper shelter and resting area.

Health concerns: the fish should also be checked regularly ensuring that they are free from diseases. Any disease causing agents should be identified and removed. If a fish is found suffering from disease, it should be separated immediately and treated.

Aquacultured fish farms are a very rapidly growing industry in the United States. It can also be an additional income and source for food for homeowners. The small scale farms are great for supplying food for small families and also are able to make a profit by supplying fish to the local grocers. Growing edible fish in the small farms and home farms can address the global shortage of food and can add to the supply of fresh organically grown supply of proteins all over the globe.